
How to Be Successful as a Travel Blogger

Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

As someone who loves to travel, you’ve probably thought of writing about your experiences and sharing your advice with other jetsetters – either professionally or just for fun. But what makes a successful travel blogger, and how can you become one yourself? In this article, we offer a few useful tips to help you get started.

Find a Unique Angle

There are so many travel writers out there in the world. What can you do to make your own offerings stand out? Try to zone in on a specific selling point around which you can build your blog. Are you inspired by the food and drink of different cultures? What about hiking? Beautiful landmarks? History? Languages? Approaching a blog from any of these angles can make it feel fresh and interesting. You can, of course, expand into other areas of your experience in the places you visit from that point of entry. By giving your blog a theme – which can be as loose or tight as you want – you can more easily define your audience and choose who to market your work to.

Photo by Riccardo Bresciani from Pexels

Feature Unusual Places or Experiences

If you only feature locations and landmarks that have been covered time and time again by your travel writing peers, you won’t be bringing anything unique or original to the table. Try to occasionally include something really unusual or off the beaten track; or perhaps offer a little insider knowledge that can’t be easily found elsewhere. Of course, you can also give your own take on popular attractions and activities elsewhere in your blog.

You can visit related website to check some of the amazing traveling experiences which can up your traveling influencer game.

Improve Your Discoverability

You won’t grow your followers if no one can find you. Post about your work regularly on social media and interact with other users who travel in similar circles in order to attract some attention. You can also undertake a little intent SEO (social media optimization) by researching keywords entered into search engines by individuals looking for the kind of travel information and advice you offer. There are plenty of free tools online to help you do this.

Once you’ve found the most popular keywords for your specific subject, add them to your content organically. This will help you to appear higher up the search results, outrank your competitors and – if your blog is a business – multiply your revenue. If you start to make a considerable income from your efforts, it may be worth reviewing a guide on how to hire an SEO freelancer with confidence and take your blog to the next level up the rankings.

Make Your Platform Attractive, Accessible and User Friendly

Try to make sure that your blog features pleasant aesthetics and an intuitive layout. Consider individuals with disabilities (perhaps think about including an optional text-to-speech feature), keep the navigation simple and make sure people can access your work on laptops, smartphones and tablets alike. The more visitors enjoy being there, the more they’ll return. Blogs are usually pretty text-heavy – so make sure your posts are laid out in a way that is legible and easy on the eyes. The font should never be too small or cramped, and it should stand out well against the background. Include plenty of attractive images to illustrate your writing. Either use your own photography or look for royalty-free pictures online.

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