
‘Wowowillie,’ Placed Under 3-Month Probation by MTRCB

Willie Revillame's noontime show "Wowowillie" was placed by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) under a three-month probation over skimpy outfits of its dancers.

Wowowillie MTRCB

MTRCB also subjected the TV5 noontime show to a Strong Parental Guidance (SPG) classification effective immediately.

Here is the statement released by MTRCB on Monday, April 22:

“At today’s hearing conducted by the MTRCB’s Ad Hoc Committee on the skimpy outfits and excessive flesh exposure in Wowowillie’s 16 April 2013 & other episodes, TV5 and the said show accepted responsibility for the said lapses and apologized to the MTRCB.”

“The MTRCB, through the panel, ordered placing the program under probation, subjecting it to per-episode review for 3 months, and subjecting it to an SPG (Strong Parental Guidance) rating effective immediately. Tv5 and Wowowillie were further required to submit reform and self-regulatory measures by 06 May 2013.”

1 Comment on ‘Wowowillie,’ Placed Under 3-Month Probation by MTRCB

  1. Don Antonio Licaros // July 20, 2013 at 10:15 am //

    no chastity and morality made by that kind of network. That network is for unfollowed people that does’nt know about laws of our country

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