
How Long Does Withdrawal From Kratom Last?

Various strong alkaloids found in Kratom have been shown to stimulate the central nervous system, alleviate pain, and affect mood. It has also been used to alleviate the withdrawal effects of opioids. The use of Kratom for an extended time may lead to dependency. Some of the unpleasant side effects of its withdrawal, which may last anywhere from three to ten days, include cravings, muscular pains, and even nausea.

The maeng da kratom , tablets, extract, and gum are all made from the plant’s leaves, also used in traditional Chinese medicine. Tea made from dried leaves may be consumed, smoked, or infused into the food. You just need to use it in proper dosage so you can get the benefits. But many of the users don’t take care of it and falls under the addiction due to their own improper usauge.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

Many of the chemicals contained in kratom leaves are also present in opioids. Natural and affordable pain relievers have been utilised in their native nations for centuries. It acts by attaching to opioid receptors in the brain, which leads to a tolerance that requires greater dosages to get the same effect. 

The euphoric effects of maeng da kratom for opiate withdrawal are comparable to those of morphine and other powerful analgesics when used at large doses. Addiction is a logical outcome of all of this. 

And to make matters worse, some people take it in an attempt to wean themselves off of other drugs like opiates, making the problem worse by simply substituting one addiction for the other.

Reducing or quitting Kratom usage might be difficult. Its users throughout the globe have reported experiencing withdrawal symptoms. In terms of the most common, these are:

  • Body pains and spasms
  • Aggressive attitudes and other mood swings
  • States of psychosis, including hallucinations
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes
  • Lacrimation (watering eyes)
  • Nausea and flu-like symptoms
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness, headaches, and migraines
  • Psychological withdrawal symptoms like agitation, restlessness, anxiety, and irritability.

Causes of Kratom Withdrawal 

If you get addicted to Kratom and stop using it, you may suffer withdrawal symptoms. Over time, your body becomes used to the presence of a substance, and you may have symptoms or perform badly if you do not have a certain level in your system.

Eventually, this need to keep missing might lead to addiction or the obsessive use of this herbal extract, both of which have negative consequences. You are more prone to have withdrawal symptoms if you have used them extensively or long ago. Even though it is a stimulant, it is often used to mitigate its effects.

How Long Does Kratom Withdrawal Last?

One week is the normal time frame for kratom withdrawal. However, this might vary based on a person’s health, level of addiction, and other factors.

According to more than 80 case studies and anecdotal testimonies, the withdrawal period from Kratom may be broken down as follows:

Phase 1: The First 48 Hours

At roughly 6 hours after using it, the first indications of withdrawal will appear.

As the remaining kratom alkaloids are flushed out of the body, symptoms will continue to deteriorate for the next 48 hours.

You may have trouble sleeping the first night, depending on your patterns.

Phase 2: Day 2 – 4

Your symptoms will be nearing their height by the end of the second day. This is the most painful portion of the withdrawal, which will endure for two more days before subsiding.

Some of the side effects you’ll likely encounter include nausea, irritability; headaches; lethargy and exhaustion; and an overwhelming desire to continue taking the drug.

Depending on the level of your kratom addiction, this stage will be either mild or severe.

Phase 3: Day 5–14

Withdrawal symptoms will begin to lessen around day four or five. You’ll notice an increase in energy and a decrease in symptoms over time.

After seven days of sobriety, most people with just modest addictions are back to normal. If you have a more serious addiction, it might take as long as 14 days to get to 95% of the way through.

Tips for Reducing Symptoms of Kratom Withdrawal

Despite the discomfort of kratom withdrawal, it won’t last long. There are several methods you can use to lessen the effects of withdrawal.

  • Stay hydrated: Diarrhoea and vomiting are two possible adverse effects of kratom detoxification. Avoid dehydration by consuming enough water to replenish your electrolytes and hydration levels after exercising with them.
  • Take another OTC Pain Pill: A fever or muscular pains are possible side effects of the withdrawal process. Taking ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or aspirin to ease these symptoms and lessen the likelihood of relapsing on Kratom is an option for some individuals.
  • Eat Frequent but Small Meals: Consume bland foods regularly and in little, frequent portions. Some of the stomach pain may be alleviated by this method.
  • Take an OTC Antidiarrheal: It’s possible to alleviate stomach pain and halt diarrhoea by using bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto Bismol), an over-the-counter medicine.

Kratom withdrawal is more likely if you can find alternative ways to alleviate discomfort without resorting to the drug, such as cutting down on caffeine or cutting down on other opiate-based painkillers.

  • Take an OTC Antiemetic: To alleviate vomiting or nausea, use bismuth subsalicylate (the same used for diarrhoea). A strong ginger or peppermint tea will have a similar effect.
  • Get Enough Sleep: If you obtain a good night’s sleep and take naps as required throughout the day, these symptoms should be alleviated. In addition, it will hasten your recovery and reduce the number of days you have to go through the symptoms.

For the first four days after you stop using Kratom, it’s a good idea to take some time off from work (at least). Don’t add anything to your schedule at this period if it’s not feasible, and avoid any additional activities.

  • Engage Your Mind: You may keep your mind occupied during withdrawal by engaging in activities you love. Keep puzzles, music, movies, and books that you love close at reach.
  • Use Relaxation Techniques: The various methods available for treating insomnia, anxiety, and discomfort are yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.
  • Talk to a Friend or Counsellor: Talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Endorphins, the body’s natural counterpart of opiates, may be released via social interaction. Withdrawal symptoms may be lessened with the aid of these endorphins.


Kratom may be habit-forming or addictive, even for those who want to use it for medicinal purposes. Don’t use it often or in excessive quantities, then. For this reason, it is recommended that you limit your daily intake to no more than 12 grams.

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