
Ben Stiller is ‘Heartbreak Kid’ at the Boxoffice

Ben Stiller and the Farrelly brothers were 'heartbroken' last weekend because their movie "Heartbreak Kid" pulled in a modest $14 million leaving Disney's "The Game Plan" the no. 1 movie for its second consecutive week. The Game Plan stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson which grossed $ 16.3 million last weekend raising its total to $42.8 million. Check out the the top ten movies in Hollywood after the jump...

1. “The Game Plan,” $16.3 million.

2. “The Heartbreak Kid,” $14 million.

3. “The Kingdom” $9.3 million.

4. “Resident Evil: Extinction,” $4.3 million.

5. “The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising,” $3.7 million.

6. “Good Luck Chuck,” $3.5 million.

7. “Feel the Noise,” $3.4 million.

8. “3:10 to Yuma,” $3 million.

9. “The Brave One” $2.3 million.

10. “Mr. Woodcock,” $2 million.

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