
Site Advisory

In the past three days, has experienced a pageload slowdown although it’s being hosted under a virtual private server (VPS) since December 2007. The webhost company informed me that the site is causing very high load in the server due to simultaneous processes being done at the same time during peak hours. They suggested that i transfer Starmometer to a dedicated server since the site is currently receiving 8,000 to 10,000 unique visitors a day.

I am carefully contemplating this matter. Please bear with us as we are in the process of transfering Starmometer to a new server. Some abnormalities could occur from this moment during the transfer but rest assured that the slowdown will be resolved and we will return to the same state as before.

And by the way, let me announce that after our transfer to the new server we will launch a forum in our subdomain so we could form a cyber-community where everyone can join, speak their mind and make their own posts. This is going to be one exciting messageboard like no other so watch for it.

-Chris 🙂