
Miss India is Beauty World Cup’s Choice for Miss Earth Best in Evening Gown

miss india
Miss India is Beauty World Cup‘s choice for Miss Earth Best in Evening Gown. The stunning nature-inspired gown is just perfect!

Here are the Top 16 in Evening gown and their corresponding points:

India – 9.9 | Poland – 9.8 | Paraguay – 9.75 | Venezuela -9.65 | Panama – 9.6 | USA – 9.55 | Liberia – 9.50 | Chile – 9.48 | Thailand – 9.35 | South Africa – 9.3 | Bahamas – 9.25 | Romania – 9.2

Close shots: 13. Egypt – 9.19; 14. Ethiopia – 9.15; 15. Slovak Republic – 9.12; 16. Ukraine – 9.10.

On Friday, we will reveal our Final 16 based on the combined points in swimsuit and evening gown and our choice for Miss Earth 2006 crown.

For more Miss Earth Updates, visit Beauty World Cup.

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