
How To Learn A Foreign Language With Netflix

Netflix has become a real discovery of the 21st century. Engaging and entertaining media content is in worldwide demand, and the number of audiences is growing every day. Using Netflix, you can find content for every taste, but what’s more, it can be a good tool for getting a little more than entertainment.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

What about using Netflix as a tool for learning a foreign language? Not sure how to do it? Below you will find detailed information on how to expand the opportunities of Netflix and use it for foreign language learning.

5 Tips on How to Use Netflix to Learn Language

Watching films and videos in a foreign language has long been a proven method of learning a language. With the right approach to such a process, it is possible to learn effectively but at the same time have a pleasant time. Here is how. 

Define Your Interests

Before you start watching the content, you should carefully approach the choice of what you will watch. It is recommended to give preference to those films and genres that you like. As an option, you can choose the movies and videos you’ve seen before.

For example, if you have already seen several seasons of Riverdale, then why not watch it again only in a foreign language? Or do you like documentaries more? Start with what you really like as it will allow you to have a good time and to learn a foreign language at once.

Use Subtitles

Many people think that using subtitles is something like a scam in learning a new language. But when you are just starting your journey in language learning it is worth using subtitles. This will allow you to understand as accurately as possible what is at stake and visually memorize the spelling of words if you use foreign subtitles.

As far as the use of subtitles in the native language is concerned, this is permissible, especially when you are in the early stages of learning. This will allow you to adapt to the new language and begin to understand what it is about. Hence, try to use foreign language subtitles to get ahead.

Write Reviews

If you were impressed by the episode of your favorite TV series, why not share your opinion with others? What’s more, you can do it in a foreign language, and you will only improve your knowledge. You can make writing a review for a TV show something like an exercise to improve your knowledge.

Maybe you have a hidden talent for writing, and your reviews will be as popular as the reviews of companies like Writing Judge and the Best Writers Online that write reviews of writing services for all students. So, search for specialized sites and blogs where you can leave your reviews and discover the opinion of others. There are a lot of fan pages for Netflix shows on the Internet and social media. 

Write New Words

From time to time, you should not forget that spending time on Netflix is ​​not just a pleasant pastime. It’s also about learning. Therefore, keep a notebook nearby and write down interesting phrases and new words. This will allow you to effectively learn the language in a relaxed manner.

Sometimes it can be difficult to complete the task as Netflix content is often captivating with its plot. For this reason, set yourself a rule about the minimum number of words you need to write. This will keep you disciplined and more efficient. For example, set a goal to write 5 phrases and 20 new words each time. 

Create a Views Schedule

Netflix content has one peculiarity. This is a real thief of your time and it is worth starting to watch one episode and lose the sense of time. If we talk about such viewing as entertainment, then this is permissible. But when we consider such content as a tool for learning a foreign language, then it is worth taking pauses.

You need time for the brain to process the received material and take a break from new information. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you schedule this process so that you have some time to rest and process new material. Remember that first of all you are learning and not just enjoying your favorite TV show. Therefore, the schedule will be a great option in order not to forget about it and get benefits but not a waste of time.

Bottom Line

It’s time to start using Netflix for new purposes. Start doing a few things at once, namely enjoying your favorite content and learning a language with Netflix. It’s a good way to diversify your learning process. What’s more, this is also a good option to learn a new topic, for example, if you choose historical movies or documentaries. In a nutshell, get started with Netflix for educational purposes  – let the subscription you have pay itself off with great benefits. 


About the Author:

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

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