Ethel Booba Tells All on ‘Face the People’ this Monday
Since she first rose to stardom, Ethyl Gabison, more popularly known as Ethel “Booba”, has been linked to numerous issues left and right including: accusations on her being too difficult to work with, too tactless, her scandalous relationships and private video scandals, highly-publicized quarrels against showbiz personalities and an alleged arson on her condominium unit. Despite all these, Ethel remained fierce and unshaken, while fans continue to look up to her as a strong woman with amazing comedic talent and wit.
But not everyone is sold on her antics. For entertainment reporters Peter Ledesma and Pete Ampoloquio, the scandals involving Ethel were all caused by her so she could stay on the limelight. They believe that because people kept on hearing negative things about her, Ethel lost her showbiz career. Ethel’s sister, Emyrose “Boobita” Gabison rushed to the comedienne’s defense. She says Ethel was misunderstood and few people really know her, which is why people tend to judge her.
Meanwhile, Ethel claims she will break her silence! What other controversies will she reveal while seated on the ‘silya de konsensya’? Don’t miss this exciting, fierce, and outrageously hilarious episode of Face The People on Monday, 10:15AM before Let’s Ask Pilipinas on TV5!