‘Illumina’ Teaser Trailer Released
“Illumina” (formerly Romana Santa, Lumina) is the highly-anticipated GMA-7 fantaserye marking the first TV pairing of Aljur Abrenica and Rhian Ramos. The primetime series will also serve as the first TV project of Cesar Montano on the Kapuso network since his transfer. It will also star Jackie Rice, Jean Garcia, Ara Mina, Paulo Avelino and Jhake Vargas.
Illumina revolves around the story of Romana and Santa, two opposing witches, one is black and the other one is white. Ara Mina and Rhian Ramos will play the white mother and daughter witches while Jean Garcia and Jackie Rice will take the roles as Black witches. Cesar, however, will be Ara’s husband.
The fantaserye is under the direction of Mark Reyes and will hit primetime television on August 2, 2010.
Watch the teaser trailer here: