
‘Meet the Robinsons’ Movie Preview

Meet the Robinsons is the latest Disney animated movie to hit the theaters touted as the studio's best animated release since the pre-pixar era. Meet the Robinsons is about Lewis, an orphan who dreams of finding a family. His journey takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson whisks him away to a world where anything is possible...THE FUTURE. There, he meets an incredible assortment of characters and a family beyond his wildest imagination, The Robinsons, who help lead him on an amazing and hilarious adventure with heartfelt results. Based upon the book A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce. Meet the Robinsons opens in theatres March 30, 2007! View the movie trailer after the jump...

Visit the official website of Meet the Robinsons.

Meet the Robinson’s Trailer:

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