
Spring Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

A sparkling clean house is the dream house for many of us. But keeping your home shiny, clean, and spruced up is not a tough job if you are careful about the spring cleaning mistakes you are making. Perhaps spring cleaning is one way to spruce up your home, get a little more organized, and make it a healthier place to live. House cleaning service, Tucson Maids, discusses how you could be making silly mistakes that are ruining your home cleaning projects every time.

How To Avoid Spring Cleaning Mistakes

Overusing toxic chemicals

As a homeowner who is keen to clear it up all, you are probably obsessed with the use of chemical cleaners. Check your bucket of cleaning products. These substances can be harsh on your assets, health, and environment. Rather, you should opt for gentler alternatives. You could use a mix of lemon juice and salt for cleaning purpose or even vinegar, salt, and baking soda. Combine lemon oil or any essential oil of choice with mineral oil to use as a furniture polish.

Using aerosol sprays

Are you using too many harsh sprays that could be poisoning your home environment? This is one of the most common spring cleaning mistakes to avoid. The reason is that most commercial cleaning products are formulated with chemicals that release volatile organic compounds. These could irritate your respiratory tract. Besides, these aerosol sprays release tiny droplets, polluting the air that you breathe in. It is best to avoid such hazardous chemicals and use non-aerosol alternatives instead.

This includes scented cleaning products, such as room fresheners, laundry detergents, deodorizers, and disinfectant sprays. The American Lung Association urges caution against using even natural fragrances that could react with ozone to form harmful fine particles and formaldehyde indoors.

Stirring up dust

One of the common spring cleaning mistakes that most homeowners make is follow a wrong cleaning approach. You could be following a down to top dusting strategy. In doing so, you are only adding to your workload. Besides, you are inhaling toxic dust that risks causing hormone disruptions and asthma.

To avoid ingesting dust, make dusting a weekly cleaning routine so you do not end up spring cleaning piles of dust later. Wiping up frequently will keep your home clean and smart.

When it comes to spring cleaning, start with ceilings and high shelves. Then work your way to the surface. This would help limit dust from spreading. Besides, you may purchase a HEPA vacuum to deep clean everything and trap dust and allergens from hard to reach nooks.

Mixing cleaning ingredients

Most people make the spring cleaning mistake of mixing chemical cleaners with chlorine bleach or ammonia. Unfortunately, this is a deadly combination that could result in the formation of toxic chloramine vapor.

When it comes to disinfecting, it is a better option to use oxygen bleach instead of chlorine bleach as a non-toxic option.

Cleaning with Poor ventilation

When cleaning, you often tend to forget about ventilation. Most people make this spring cleaning mistake and forget opening up the doors and windows to reduce toxic exposure. But since cleaning is linked to dust and chemical exposures, it may result in compromised lung function.

Proper ventilation during the cleaning process can reduce toxic particles and fumes by allowing air circulation in your house. So it is a good idea to keep the home well-ventilated while the cleaning project is under way.

Bring your assets outdoors for a little sunbathing. Airing things out will help keep mold, mites, germs, and bacteria away. This includes the most common allergens too.

Starting off with everything

Most spring cleaning projects become a terrible time for homeowners because they tend to start off with everything and end up with nothing.

When you are motivated to spring clean your abode, you want to clean it all at once. Sadly, this won’t take you anywhere. Instead, break the big project into smaller tasks. For example, you could start with clothes. Pack away winter essentials, declutter all nonessentials, move things to their home, deep clean everything before organizing and arranging things.

Steam cleaning a wood surface

Avoid the spring cleaning mistake of steam cleaning a wooden floor. Steam cleaners and wood floors do not go well together. Using steam on your floor can add a lot of water and cause significant damage if the wood is not treated.

You do not want to end up damaging your wooden surfaces when spring cleaning. Instead, choose to clean with a microfiber. The best way to clean and maintain your wood floor is to sweep, dust mop, and vacuum.

Using normal cleaner with soap scum

Stubborn soap scum will not go away easily with an all-purpose cleaner. Instead, you may choose to scrub the fixtures with a dryer sheet. Or spraying with a cooking spray on the fixture. Let it sit for a few minutes and wipe it clean.

Not giving Chemicals time to work

most people are impatient with chemical cleaners. If you, too, tend to wipe away the chemical immediately after pouring, then the end result will not appeal to you. Chemicals need some time to work best. Pour the chemical on a mess and let it sit for 5 minutes before scrubbing it off.

Using a dirty vacuum

Your vacuum cleaner does a hard work every time you take it out. But more often than not, you forget cleaning the machine itself. This is one of the most common spring cleaning mistakes.

Show some love and care to your vacuum in order to let it work to its optimal best. Clean the brush roll to remove any clogged debris. Check the filter. Empty the dust bin. Clean it up with a dry cloth.

When you can avoid these spring cleaning mistakes, you can comfortably spruce up your abode and get ready for the new season.

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