Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before You Make the Decision to Get a Hair Transplant
A hair transplant is an expensive but permanent procedure, entirely cosmetic but life-changing in its ability to make you feel younger, happier and more confident, as well as looking great! However, there are always considerations before you decide to spend money on cosmetic surgery, and your doctor should be able to help you to decide if this is the right option for you, or if you need to pursue other options.
1. Am I a good candidate for a transplant?
The best candidates for a hair transplant are those whose skin is a close match to their hair colour, especially those with light skin and blonde hair. Hair thinning is less obvious in those where light cannot so obviously filter through and show the scalp, meaning that their hair loss takes longer to be noticeable, and a hair transplant is likely to look far more natural.
Hair type is also an important consideration, as curly or wavy hair offers better coverage with less hair needing to be transplanted. Very curly or Afro hair is the best hair type for a transplant, whilst fine straight hair can be less successful, but a consultation should help you to decide.
If you have a scalp disorder or are suffering from Alopecia, then you may not be suitable for a hair transplant, as the blood supply to this area may not be healthy enough to sustain it.
A hair transplant requires hair being taken from other parts of your head and transplanted to the thinning area. This means that you do need a good amount of hair on the sides and back of your head. Ask your doctor to look at the rest of your head to determine how much hair you have left and if it is enough to go through with the procedure.
2. What do I need to do after my transplant to recover?
A hair transplant is also permanent, and once the hair has taken and healed you will be able to wash it, style it and treat it just as you would do with the hair on the rest of your head. However, you will need to look after your transplant carefully as it heals, just as with any other surgical procedure.
Your doctor will give you advice and recommendations such as how to elevate your head whilst sleeping, how best to shower and protect your head when you are outside in various weather conditions, and when you can wash and style your hair comfortably.
3. Which procedure is best for me?
There are two procedures to choose from. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), takes individual hairs and transplants them, whilst FUT (Follicular Unit Transaction), removes a strip of hair for transplant.
FUT can leave noticeable scars (making it more obvious that you have had a transplant) but allows a higher density of hair to be transplanted at once, making for better coverage. FUE has more minimal coverage but hair can be taken in a random fashion which makes it harder to see where it has been taken from.
Discuss these options with your surgeon before you commit to anything, so you can be sure of your decision.
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