Make Her Climax Unforgettable
Intimate activities or sexual intercourse is a brilliant way not to just de-stress but to keep the bond and foundation of a relationship, stronger. The problem though is not the intercourse itself but how your woman orgasms.
According to a scientific study held in Indiana University, some women admitted that they do not orgasm or reach their climax all the time while men mostly orgasms every single time they have intercourse. For the women’s case, the reason is that sometimes, they either orgasm at a later time compared to men or they just can’t find their way to the climax. Whatever it is, you have to make sure that next time, your woman needs to have a proper and pleasurable climax! How to do it?
• Invest in foreplay. Foreplay is an important part of an intimate activity. The more you succeed in heating up each other during foreplay, the more your woman can climax early on.
• Be passionate, be gentle. Sometimes, being romantic goes a long way especially if you want your partner to feel loved while engaging in an intimate activity.
• Welcome new ideas. Being adventurous and having an exciting experience can mean extra amazing orgasms.
If you want to spice things up intimately, there are over the counter supplements that help enhance libido and vigor, taking lovemaking to the next level. Look for supplements that have ingredients such as Spiral Algae, Corn Extract, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Medlar Extract, Cistanche Salsa Extract and Ginseng. These are powerful ingredients packed with benefits!
Spiral Algae helps in improving the body strength and enhances the immune system. Corn Extract and Hawthorn Berry improves blood circulation and aids in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Medlar Extract has high amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals packed with health benefits for the over-all strength of the body. Cistanche Salsa Extract and Ginseng enhances the muscle functions, strengthens the immune system and increases libido for men. These ingredients when combined can help the overall health of the body and can even fight erectile dysfunction for men. Aside from the health benefits it provides, intimacy and endurance in lovemaking may be more satisfying. A product with all these key ingredients have been popular for years now, it’s called Robust Extreme. There are a lot of reviews about it and if you want a whole new punch on your lovemaking, give this a try, get it from Mercury Drug and see for yourself!
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