James and Nadine’s Book ‘Team Real’ Sells 100,000 Copies Prior to Its Release!
James Reid and Nadine Lustre recently launched their book “Team Real,” an all-access pass to their private world, and it has sold 100,000 copies already prior to its release!
Straight from their JaDine in Love World Tour, the superstar multi-media love team has just released “Team Real,” the first non-tie-in book from the reel and real-life couple.
“The book is your window into our minds, our untold stories, and unseen photos,” says James. “The pictures come from us and the words, from our mouths. Nadine and I were completely involved.”
One of those stories is on how they fell in love with each other, which both of them recounts from their individual perspectives. Another one reveals the real story behind the headline-grabbing tiff they had with each other during the movie premiere of Wang Fam.
“You hold in your hands a book where I reveal everything about myself – stuff you didn’t know about, stuff you didn’t expect, stuff you thought would never happen, and stuff you wouldn’t believe happened,” Nadine notes in the book’s Foreword. “I want you to be inspired, and I hope you see James and me as normal people who have struggles and challenges.”
The full-color 120-page book includes chapters devoted to James’ and Nadine’s homes, fashions, beauty and fitness, and pop culture favorites. It also features a section on their world travels containing dozens of never-before-seen private images that the two photo enthusiasts took themselves. The book also boasts many new photos that were shot exclusively for the project.
Team Real was officially launched with a hugely successful event at Market Market with more than 11,000 fans in attendance. But it was already a hit even before its release, having sold out within hours after it was made available as pre-order online. Team Real is the biggest-selling book this year with 100,000 copies sold already (including pre-orders).
Here are some photos and videos from the press conference of James and Nadine’s “Team Real” which was held on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at the Le Reve Events Place in Quezon City:
Watch more videos from the “Team Real” press conference at www.youtube.com/starmometer and www.youtube.com/starmovidz!