
Viral Video: Finding Forever After A Breakup #FriendsShareData

Smart has released a Valentine video which garnered more than 1 million views in less than 48 hours. Find out why this video captured the hearts of netizens.

Valentine Video

The video features a dude, stalking his ex on social media while hustling through a heartbreak. A tear dropped on his smartphone. He wiped it only to realize that he accidentally liked the photo of his ex. Rushing to undo what he did, he ran out of data. Good thing, his friend Pippo shared 100mb of mobile data for him to finally unlike the photo.

The lesson in the story: lovers come and go but friends share forever.

The practical lesson in the story: With Smart, you can get 700mb of shareable data which is valid 7 days. Simply text BBB99 to 9999 to register.

Watch this heartwarming video below:

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