Vin Abrenica of ‘Artista Academy’ – The One to Beat for Best Actor
The 16 finalists of Artista Academy took their second “live exams” on Saturday, August 18, 2012:
DANCE: Mark, Chanel, Shaira Mae, Julia, Akihiro and Chris.
SINGING: Brent, Malak, Jon, Marvelous and Steph.
ACTING: Vin, Sophie, Benjo, Nicole and Bruno.
Getting high remarks from the judges are Sophie Albert (acting) among the girls and Mark Neumann (dancing) among the guys.
On the other hand, the bottom three are Brent Manzano, Benjo Leoncio and Chris Leonardo. One of them will get kicked out of Artista Academy this Monday based on their grades from their classes at the AATA, their scores from the Live Exam critics and TV5 Talent Center (TV5TC), and from text votes.
After the tension-filled live exams, I was able to interview most of the finalists. I asked each of them their “edge” in order to win the competition, who they think will get the boot this Monday and the preparations they are doing in order to earn high grades.
I must say that after the interview with the contestants, my favorite since the press presentation 2 weeks ago did not change. I think Vin Abrenica from Pampanga has the potential to win Best Actor and the P10 million. Among the boys, he’s the one to beat!
To vote for Vin, text AA
Here’s Vin inviting Starmo peeps to watch “Artista Academy” on TV5:
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