‘Shrek Virus’ Allows Membership of 30,000 ‘Ugly’ People in Exclusive Dating Site for Beautiful People
The dating website that prides itself on matching only the best-looking individuals has deleted the accounts of more than 30,000 users after they discovered what the Shrek virus has done in their system. These 30,000 new members were not screened properly because the “Shrek” virus disabled the protocols in the computer program which allowed them to interact with the “beautiful” people who pay $25 per month for being a member of the the exclusive dating site.
After the virus was discovered, the site’s managing director Greg Hodge decided to just delete the account of around 30,000 “ugly” users from the site, stating, “We have to stick to our founding principles of only accepting beautiful people – that’s what our members have paid for. We can’t just sweep 30,000 ugly people under the carpet.”
Image courtesy of BeautifulPeople.com
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