‘Petrang Kabayo’ Movie Poster Released
“Petrang Kabayo”, a remake of the 1988 film of the same title with Roderick Paulate in the title role, is the launching movie of Vice Ganda (Goldwin Trinidad in real life) after doing support roles in past films such as “Apat Dapat,” “Condo”, “Noy”, “In My Life” and “Hating Kapatid”.
Also starring in Petrang Kabayo (2010) are Sam Pinto, Candy Pangilinan, DJ Durano, John Arcilla, Makisig Morales, Ricky Rivero, Joy Vidao, Eagle Riggs, Ms. Gloria Diaz and leading men Tom Rodriguez and Luis Manzano with the special participation of Eugene Domingo.
Directed by Wenn V. Deramas, Petrang Kabayo opens in theaters nationwide this October 13, 2010.
Watch the trailer here: