
Josef Stays, Linda Exits on Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus

PBB teen housemate Josef Elizalde almost lost his dream because his corresponding guardian, Aunt Anna, is having troubles inside the house and had volunteered to exit which means automatic eviction for the Lethal Lassallite. At the last minute, Aunt Anna decided to stay and be strong to save his nephew.


On the other hand, this week’s nominee Linda Backlund, the Bikina Babe from Iriga City decided to voluntarily exit from the Big Brother house last Thursday for her desire to spend time with her father who only got a week before he flies back to Norway. The all expense paid trip was sponsored by Big Brother.

But why did kuya sent Linda’s father back in the Philippines in time when Linda is one of the two nominees this week who are in danger of eviction? Two days before eviction night, Linda (after knowing that his father’s in town), eventually decided to voluntary exit the big brother house. I have this feeling that if the eviction night was held as scheduled, Linda is not going home. Instead, Kevin, who i’m guessing will receive the lesser number of votes is the one who will get the boot.

Last night, Josef was called into the confession room and found out from kuya that he is safe and that his aunt decided to stay inside the house for him. He was asked later by kuya to move to the guardians’ quarter and that he can’t return to his housemates just yet. So that means the rest of the housemates think Josef was evicted. Poor Nicole, she must be crying at this moment.

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