
Patrick Demsey Stars in Made of Honor

madeofhonor.jpgGrey's Anatomy hunk Patrick Demsey seems to be the new romantic lead guy in Hollywood today. After the Disney hit comedy "Enchanted" opposite Amy Adams, Patrick is now starring in a Columbia Tristar romantic movie but not as the groom of the bride but as "maid of honor." It's kinda like the male version of My Best Friend's Wedding but with a different twist in the end. I think it's safe to say that Patrick is the "Julia Roberts" on this film. Synopsis, photos and trailer after the jump...


Tom Bailey is in love with his best friend Claire. But Tom has a fear of commitment and refuses to admit the obvious–he should propose to Claire before she finds a less procrastinating suitor. When Colin, a rich Scotsman sweeps Claire off her feet and asks for her handin marriage, Tom must witness her unquestioned happiness up close and personal–because she’s chosen him to be her Maid Of Honor.

Movie Trailer:

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