
Our Liver When Aging

As we age, our body changes. Our physical activities and even food intake becomes very limited, our bones and muscles may not be as strong and our organs are not as healthy. Over the course of time, our liver changes its appearance but the function stays as it is although it may not be as strong and generative as it once have been, our liver can still be functional.


According to several researches and studies, the liver stays the same and becomes stronger and healthier if it has been taken cared of in our younger years. As early as our 20s, we should manage to take care of our liver in order to prevent diseases related to aging.

• Avoid smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol.

• Exercise daily.

• Eat a well-balanced diet on a regular basis.

• Take supplements that can aid in liver health and function.

By using supplements with Vitamin C and Milk Thistle or Silymarin you may also improve your liver functions. Vitamin C and Milk Thistle help promote the growth of new liver cells while strengthening the liver health thus the prevention of diseases. There are food supplements that are easy to buy which has the combination of Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate like LiverMarin. LiverMarin has Silymarin and Sodium Ascorbate that may help prevent over-production of insulin, manage SGPT/SGOT levels, prevent liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis and can even help prevent the liver from Hepatitis A and B. If you feel like it’s hard to get this product, do what I did. I checked and found LiverMarin at Mercury Drug!


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